Selah’s Journey: Accessing Burn Care with Angel Flight NE

Meet a remarkable young man named Selah embarked on a journey that would test his resilience and courage. Selah’s story with Angel Flight NE is one of unwavering determination, hope, and healing, spanning over a decade since 2011.

It all began with a devastating accident that left Selah with severe burns, requiring specialized care and treatment. Despite the challenges he faced, Selah and his dedicated mother, Dedra, remained steadfast in their resolve to overcome his injuries. Their journey led them to Angel Flight NE, where they found a beacon of hope and support.

With the assistance of Angel Flight NE, Selah gained access to the vital medical care he needed at Shriner’s Hospital. It was here that Selah met with compassionate healthcare professionals who provided him with the care he deserved. With each flight, Selah comes one step closer to healing, allowing him to focus on his recovery journey with renewed strength and determination.

The generosity of volunteer pilots and partners made it possible for Selah to travel safely and comfortably to his appointments, ensuring that he received the care he needed without additional stress or burden. Through the collective efforts of Angel Flight NE and its supporters, Selah’s progress became a testament to the transformative power of hope and healing.

Selah’s mom, Dedra shared the following after their latest flight of hope and healing:

Angel Flight NE has meant everything to Selah and me for the past 13 years. Angel Flight NE has been patient, kind, and sweet to us! I’m very grateful for all of the assistance they have provided over the years. Selah and I enjoy every flight, every conversation, and every laugh we get from each pilot and their assistants. We are extremely grateful for Angel Flight NE and I hope we will see them in the near future after Selah’s surgeries. We love you guys! 😊”

Selah’s journey serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact of Angel Flight NE’s mission to provide free air transportation for patients in need. His story is just one among many that have been touched by our unwavering dedication to serving those facing medical challenges.

As we celebrate Selah’s resilience and determination, we invite you to join us in spreading the word about the vital work of Angel Flight NE. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of patients by offering them hope and healing when they need it most. Join us on this journey of compassion and support.

Posted Under: AFNE News, Thankful Thursday

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