Meet Rebecca from Vermont and Her 2,300+ Mile Healthcare Journey

Take a moment to meet Rebecca from Vermont, who receives treatment for cancer at Dana Farber in Boston.

Rebecca first contacted Angel Flight NE in October 2022 to travel from Vermont to Texas for a second opinion after being diagnosed with Leptomeningeal Metastatic Melanoma, a rare rapidly spreading cancer. She is now traveling from Vermont to Boston to receive an investigational cancer treatment. No matter how far her medical journey is- Angel Flight NE will be there for Rebecca. Since then, we have coordinated 10 trips of healing and hope so Rebecca can travel 2,300+ miles to access the medical care she needs during her cancer fight.

Through the efforts of our Mission/Flight Coordinators, volunteer pilots, and Earth Angels, Rebecca’s life has been changed as we continue to provide the highest quality care for patients needing medical care and treatment.
Flights to treatment for rare and ultra diseases are made possible by the generous support of our sponsors & foundations, such as the Alexion Charitable Foundation.

Rebecca, like all our patients, is a cherished member of the Angel Flight NE family. Every day, we receive calls for assistance from patients who need support at the most trying of times in their healthcare journeys. Our dedication to our patients goes beyond the flights as we are always there for our patients as they grow and heal.

Thank You and God Bless You for your support and belief in our healing mission. With your help and belief in our mission, we can ensure that distance is never an obstacle for patients, including Rebecca.

Posted Under: Thankful Thursday

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